Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ban of members, opportunity to clean up FIFA , Blatter

FIFA president, Joseph Sepp Blatter has said that the ban of two Executive Committee members of the world body, Amos Adamu of Nigeria and Reynald Temarii of Tahiti has given FIFA the opportunity to clean its house of corruption.
He also said that he was ‘satisfied’ with the decision of the Ethics Committee which resulted in the suspension of six football officials, four of them Africans as he added that not all members of the Executive Committee were happy with the outcome.
Speaking to journalists shortly after the Executive Committee meeting in Zurich, Blatter was however, quick to condemn the manner the Sunday Times of London went about their investigation which exposed the suspended members.
“No, I’m not pleased about that because this is not very fair but now we have a result (as) it gives us an opportunity to clean a little bit whatever has to be cleaned. But I cannot say that it is very fair when you open traps to entrap people. But if the objective is to have a clean sheet in football then I can understand it,” he said.
On the ban of Adamu and Temarii, Blatter said it was painful that two members of the Executive Committee who are like family members had to be suspended, adding that “I am however satisfied with the decision of the Ethics Committee.”
“These decisions may not have found the total support of all the members of the Executive Committee but the Executive Committee … as a government of FIFA, of course follows and abides by the decisions.”
Blatter stressed that “for the fact that two people from the Executive Committee were found guilty by the committee does not mean the whole FIFA is corrupt. The same way you cannot say because two or three people in a country are corrupt then the whole country is corrupt.”
He said that all the indicted officials have several windows to appeal if they are not satisfied with the decision of the Ethics Committee.
“They can go to the Appeals Committee if they are not satisfied with the decision of the Ethics Committee, there is also the Court of Arbitration in sports (CAS) and the Swiss court if they are not satisfied with the decision of CAS,” he said. He however, added that it is very rare for the Swiss court not to endorse the decision of CAS.
He soothed the nerves of members of the London Bid when he said that the Sunday Times expose would not affect the bid for the 2018 World Cup.
“Why should this have an influence on the English bid? I don’t think they (the executive committee) will take into consideration what has been published or not,”Blatter said.


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