Sunday, October 31, 2010

How women can be financially independent

How women can be financially independent

With the current economic reality, both married and single women are required to be financially independent. This means that they will not have to rely on men to survive or meet their daily obligations.

Furthermore, though it is the primary obligation of the husband in the Nigerian culture to provide for the needs of the immediate family, there is the need for married women to complement the efforts and contributions of men.

In some cases too, there are certain needs of women that may not be provided for by men, especially when they are personal.

While it is true that some educated women are actively engaged, so they can meet their financial obligations, there is still need for them to be prudent. This will ensure that even after retirement, they will be able to sustain their lifestyles, or at least meet their day-to-day obligations.

To be able to do that, those who spoke on the issue suggested that women must be enterprising and endeavour to save and invest, while ensuring that they spend less on luxuries.
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